

미국은 지금 최저임금 인상 중...LA, 시간당 15달러, 오바마 프로젝트


미국은 지금 최저임금 인상 중...LA, 시간당 15달러, 오바마 프로젝트

맥도날도의 최저임금 인상 지지시위./ 사진=뉴욕 타임스  이미지 확대보기
맥도날도의 최저임금 인상 지지시위./ 사진=뉴욕 타임스
[글로벌이코노믹 김대호 기자] 미국의 시간당 최저임금이 15달러로 인상된다.

달러당 1100원의 환율을 적용할 때 우리 돈으로 1만65000원에 해당하는 시급이다.
미국에서 두 번째로 큰 도시인 로스앤젤레스(LA)가 19일(현지시간) 2020년까지 시간당 최저임금을 15달러로 인상키로 하는 안을 찬성 14, 반대 1의 압도적 다수로 통과시켰다고 뉴욕타임스(NYT)가 보도했다.

이에 따라 현재 시간당 15달러 미만을 받고있는 전체 도시근로자의 40% 이상에 달하는 근로자들이 임금인상의 혜택을 받게 됐다.

버락 오바마 행정부는 최저임금 인상을 국가 프로젝트로 추진하고 있다. 이 정책에 따라 맥도날드와 페이스북 그리고 월마트 등의 대형 기업들이 잇달아 임금 인상에 나섰다.

또 샌프란시스코, 시애틀, 오클랜드, 칼리프 등의 도시에서도 임금을 인상했다.

LA의 최저임금 인상은 지금까지 나왔던 임금 인상 중 영향력이 가장 클 것이라고 뉴욕타임스는 분석했다.

다음은 로스앤젤레스의 임금인상을 보도한 뉴욕타임스 기사전문
미국의 지역별 최저임금./표=뉴욕 타임스.
미국의 지역별 최저임금./표=뉴욕 타임스.
Los Angeles Raises Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour

LOS ANGELES — The nation’s second-largest city voted on Tuesday to increase its minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020 from the current $9 an hour, in what is perhaps the most significant victory so far in the national push to raise the minimum wage.

The increase — which the Los Angeles City Council passed in a 14-1 vote — comes as workers across the country are rallying for higher wages, and several large companies, including Facebook and Walmart, have moved to raise their lowest wages. Several other cities, including San Francisco, Seattle and Oakland, Calif., have already approved increases, and dozens more are considering doing the same. In 2014, a number of Republican-leaning states like Alaska and South Dakota also raised their state-level minimum wage by referendum.

The impact is likely to be particularly strong in Los Angeles, where, according to some estimates, more than 40 percent of the city’s work force earns less than $15 an hour.

“The effects here will be the biggest by far,” said Michael Reich, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley, who was commissioned by city leaders here to conduct several studies on the potential effects of a minimum-wage increase. “The proposal will bring wages up in a way we haven’t seen since the 1960s. There’s a sense spreading that this is the new norm, especially in areas that have high costs of housing.”

Tuesday’s vote could set off a wave of minimum wage increases across Southern California, and the groups pressing for the increases say the new pay scales would change the way of life for the region’s vast low-wage work force.

Indeed, much of the debate here has centered on the potential regional impact. Many of the low-wage workers who form the backbone of Southern California’s economy live in the suburban cities of Los Angeles. Proponents of the wage increase say they expect that several nearby cities, including Santa Monica, West Hollywood and Pasadena, would follow Los Angeles’ lead and pass ordinances for higher wages in the coming months.

Many cities have enacted or proposed legislation in recent years to create a local minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum and their state’s minimum, if there is one.

The increase could also reverberate nationally. Earlier this month, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York announced that he is convening a state board to consider a wage increase in the local fast-food industry, which could be enacted without a vote in the state legislature.

Los Angeles County is also considering a measure that would lift the wages of several hundred thousand people who work in unincorporated parts of the county.

But critics say the increase will turn the city into a “wage island,” pushing businesses away into nearby places where they can pay employees less.

“They are asking businesses to foot the bill on a social experiment that they would never do on their own employees,” said Stuart Waldman, president of the Valley Industry and Commerce Association, a trade group that represents companies and other organizations in Southern California. “A lot of businesses aren’t going to make it. It’s great that this is an increase for some employees, but the sad truth is that a lot of employees are going to lose their jobs.”
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